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Retreat Dates: 


Mon. evening: "Meet & Greet"

Tues., Oct. 9th ALL DAY
Wed., Oct. 10th ALL DAY
Thurs., Oct 11th, until 3:00 pm

Please plan to arrive in the evening of Monday, the 8th. That evening can serve as our “Meet & Greet,” so that we can start right off in the morning.

When you arrive to check in, tell the front desk person that you are attending Jim Gilkeson's workshop.

Sierra Hot Springs, near Sierraville in Northern California. (This is a sister community of Harbin Hot Springs.)

Please note that Sierra Hot Springs is a clothing-optional in areas around the pools.

Lodging and Options:
I am told that the lodging there fills up quickly, so you should be aware of other options nearby if you are unable to reserve anything at Sierra HS. These can easily be found through online search sites like AirBnB and

NOTE: Weather is likely to be cold in October and less good for outdoor camping.
See website for prices and to make your reservation:

1. Globe Hotel (owned by Sierra Hot Springs);

2. The Main Lodge at Sierra Hot Springs has rooms and dormitory-style accommodations.

3. "Indoor camping" in the workshop room is available for workshop participants at no extra charge. If you choose this option, bring your sleeping bag and other gear for your floor-sleeping comfort.
4. There are close-by lodging options near Sierraville, available through, AirBnB and similar online search sites.


Food Options
1. Bring your own food and cook in the guest kitchen.

2. The Philosophy Cafe at SHS is, unfortunately, not an option on the days we will be there, with one exception: Monday from 5pm to 8:30pm.

3. There are three restaurants in Sierraville.

Retreat Cost for Participants:  $333 per person for the retreat, not including food and lodging.


Deposit: To secure your place in the retreat, send a $75 deposit, refundable until Aug. 15, 2018; full payment is due by Sept. 30, 2018

Payment to:
Jim Gilkeson
128 Strawberry Lane
Ashland, OR 97520

or by PayPal to me at:

Contact me if you have any questions.

Multi-Hands Healing Retreat

More about the Multi-Hands Healing Retreat:


  • You have received this invitation, along with about 40 others, because you have been in my classes, are a practitioner and have indicated a desire to do more.


  • This is an opportunity to give and get multi-hands healing work, something that is difficult to replicate outside of a retreat setting. For many practitioners in my acquaintance, this kind of work helps them move their work to a new level and get their wings as healers.



  • This is a three-day retreat in which I will present a framework for working in small teams. Mornings would consist of instruction in working in small bodywork teams, as well as work around the previous day's sessions. Afternoons would be spent doing multi-handed team sessions.


  • Multi-hands work offers a unique opportunity to work closely with a small pod of fellow practitioners and create a healing space for an individual whom you will treat together. Of course, you will be both giving and receiving in your group. There will be some instruction in technical considerations, including a review of the basics of non-forcing release techniques and considerations specific to working as a multi-handed team. But your healing process is what will be in the foreground. In line with this, I will be making some preparatory suggestions to the members of the group as the retreat approaches.


  • This is a unique opportunity to devote time to you own healing process, as well as dive deeply into your own practice of skilled touchwork in a conducive setting.


  • The Numbers Game: With a multi-hands format, there are optimal numbers of participants, and there are numbers that don't work well at all. This begins with my preference for having equal-numbered groups working at each table. For instance, six participants make two groups of three, and eight make two groups of four. But what happens to the seventh person who registers? Or the eleventh? As a result, you might be temporarily "wait listed" until there are enough registrations to create equal groups. Does that make sense?



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