Multi-Hands Healing Retreat
May 13 - 16, 2019
Four Springs Retreat Center
Middletown, CA / USA
An invitation for You!
A unique opportunity to devote time to your own healing process,
as well as dive deeply into your own practice
of skilled touchwork
in a quiet, natural setting.
Multi-hands healing offers a unique opportunity to work closely with a small pod of fellow practitioners and create a healing space for those whom you will treat together. Of course, you will be both giving and receiving in your group. There will be instruction in technical considerations, including:
A framework for working in small teams;
A review of the basics of non-forcing release techniques;
New energy-oriented personal exercises.
Your healing process will be in the foreground. This will be an opportunity to give and get multi-hands healing work, something that is difficult to replicate outside of a retreat setting. For many practitioners in my acquaintance, this kind of work helps them move their work to a new level and get their wings as healers.
Click here for my blog posting:
Arrive Mon. evening (May 13th): "Meet & Greet" - 7pm
Tues., May 14th ALL DAY
Wed., May 15th ALL DAY
Thurs., May 16th, until 3:00 pm
Please plan to arrive in the evening of Monday, the 13th. That evening can serve as our “Meet & Greet,” so that we can start right off the next morning.
Four Springs Retreat Center near Middletown, CA/USA.
This historic retreat center is located among the
vineyards and forests of Lake County, California.
​The Four Springs Website
Lodging and Food:
Four Springs Retreat Center has small rustic cabins. I will send lodging information, including a map of the cabins, when you send a deposit and reserve
a spot in the retreat.
Food Options:
There is a communal kitchen where you can cook and there is
good Mexican and Thai food in Middletown.
Retreat Fees: $333
Four Springs facility fees: $75 (=$25 per day)
(This applies only to those who do not book a cabin at Four Springs.)
Lodging at Four Springs:
For those of you who will be staying at Four Springs
during our retreat, please make your arrangements through me.
See the attached Cabin Map and the price list;
Select your cabin and let me know so I can reserve it for you;
Send your payment to me and I will pay Four Springs.
Sign up early and save a few bucks!
Early Bird Special:
(until March 1, 2019): $535
Between Mar. 1 and April 15: $575
After April 15: $595
To secure your place in the retreat,
send a $75 deposit, refundable until Mar. 31st, 2019.
Full payment is due by May 1st 2019.
Payment to:
Jim Gilkeson
128 Strawberry Lane
Ashland, OR 97520
or by PayPal to me at:
Contact me if you have any questions.