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Three Angles on Grounding - Online Resources by Jim Gilkeson


Grounding is about much more than a set of tactics for “earthing” yourself, though that is a vital and necessary starting point. Practices that enliven your connection with your lower body and the Earth will definitely help you feel more rooted and stable, but they are the beginning, rather than the end, of the story of grounding.


In this mini-workshop, we will do energy practices that will help you cultivate conscious connection with your lower body. We will expand the subject of "grounding" to include how we live in this world on an everyday basis, and how it is essential if you work as an energy healer. Finally, we will look into factors that get in the way of being a grounded person, regardless of what you do.


This will be a 2-hour live online workshop and an opportunity for you to hatch some new ideas for your energywork practice and meet colleagues and kindred spirits.




"Downward Mobility" - A useful handful of energywork practices for your lower body and energy centers


A Handful of Pretty Good Reasons for Working with your Lower Energy Centers (especially if you work with other people)


Becoming a Grounded Person





Feb. 8th at 9:00 am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern

Feb. 22nd at 5:00 pm Pacific / 8:00 pm Eastern


COST: $25 + $1.40 processing fee (payment by PayPal to



When signing up, please specify which date you want to attend. If you live outside of the USA, please make sure that the time will work for you.

Your PayPal payment reserves your place in one of these workshops. You will receive via email a link to the video-conference.

If you, for any reason, would like a different way of paying, please contact me.


Please contact me if you have any questions.


I look forward to hearing from you.


All the best,



Class Fee: $26.40

(incl. PayPal fee)

Class Fee: $26.40

(incl. PayPal fee)


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