"Ancient Spiritual Technologies" - Online Resources by Jim Gilkeson
The Jews, Arabs, Romans, Greeks and Aztecs
all took their word for spirit from the word for wind.
—Peter Steinhart,
"Tracks of the Wind"
​The patterns that run deep in nature are among the most ancient starting points for conscious ritual and spiritual practice. When we trace the contours of the natural world with our mind, senses and imagination, or even emulate them through ritual, our awareness is invited into what the ancients thought of as a basic idea in the mind of God. The patterns that run deep in nature also run deep in us, and our energy healing practices partake of this as well.
You are invited to this mini-workshop in which I will introduce the idea of looking to nature for entry into the greater mystery that surrounds and fills us. Together, we will do a number of energy-based meditative practices that have their roots in natural forms and cycles and place them in the context of your healing and personal development.
This will be a 2-hour live online workshop and an opportunity for you to hatch some new ideas for your energywork practice and meet colleagues and kindred spirits.
"Ancient Spiritual Technology"
Three energetic practices that make use of close attention to nature
Where ancient spiritual technology fits in healing work
March 29th at 5:00 pm Pacific / 8:00 pm Eastern
April 5th at 9:00 am Pacific / 12 noon Eastern
COST: $25 + $1.40 processing fee (payment by PayPal to jgilkesn@earthlink.net)
If you, for any reason, would like a different way of paying, please contact me.
When signing up, please specify which date you want to attend. If you live outside of the USA, please make sure that the time will work for you.
Your PayPal payment reserves your place in one of these workshops. You will receive via email a link to the video-conference.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Select the date you want to attend:
​March 29th: 5 pm Pacific Time/ 8 pm Eastern Time
​April 5th: 9 am Pacific Time/ 12 noon Eastern Time
Two Dates:
March 29th
April 5th